I have been known to talk to myself- especially if I do something stupid!
I don't think I'm superstitious. I remember my mom doing things like throwing salt over her shoulder or knocking on wood. I definitely don't do those things (nor do I avoid black cats)!
I don't like to hear people crack their knuckles- it sounds like it would hurt! I also think my (superstitious) mom told me that my knuckles would be huge if I cracked them- it worked for me!
I'm not hungry right at this moment- which is weird because I'm hungry a lot.
No TV on- I do love my shows, but I'm not good with noise while I'm working on something else (I know- I'm in the minority!).
I have't showered today because it's early- I will shower- I promise!
I live in California- 3 hours from Disneyland- so yes, I've been there (more than once for sure, but not as much as I'd like).
I wear glasses ALL.THE.TIME.- ick!! I used to have perfect vision but when I hit my 40's I had trouble reading without glasses, so I got a prescription for reading. Now, wouldn't you know it, I can't see that well in the distance without glasses! I wear those progressive lenses or whatever they're called. I went in and checked out laser surgery at one time, but it doesn't work as well with my prescription needs- so I saved the money and redid my kitchen instead.
I live in the same state (love California!!!), but not in the same town.
I hope you got to know me a little better, You can check the other linkups by clicking below (and maybe join it yourself).
Hi Carol, my mom always told me the same thing about cracking my knuckles, haha. I am the same way when I am working, I need the TV off so I can concentrate, otherwise I find myself reading the same sentence over and over. My Hubby and I have California on our travel list. We have never been, but want to! Thanks for sharing, it was fun to learn more about you! :)