Getting Ready For School
I know some of you are already back to school and some of you have a few more weeks left to enjoy a break. My summer is coming to an end tomorrow.
I have been busy preparing for a new school year, as I know many of you are. My room is unpacked, bulletin boards are ready for new student work, copies are being run and new materials have been made. I still love the anticipation of a new school year, just like I did when I was a child!
Here's how I spent several hours this past week. I'm thankful to have several laminators!
Here's how I spent several hours this past week. I'm thankful to have several laminators!
Math Tubs
Something I've wanted to do forever is to make base ten math tubs! Well, this was the summer! I am so excited to have made one of these for each child to use.
I was super excited that I got a new Silhouette Cameo & my husband made me numbers to put on my new tubs.
I use numbers for my students in my class, so each child will have their own specific tub to use each day. There will be LOTS of practice and modeling about how to care for the tubs and to be sure that they keep all their blocks (Dojo points and brag tags will be used!!!!).
Math Practice
We started a new math curriculum this past year & I felt like there wasn't enough number sense, especially place value. If you are a first grade teacher, I know you can relate to how difficult number sense is for a lot of them!
I have created some new daily math review sheets that my students will complete each morning and each unit also includes work mats for small group and individual practice. I am so excited for these! This is one place the above manipulative tubs are going to be used!
Daily Math Month 1
You can see that HERE
Month 2 Daily Math
You can see this one HERE.
Keep your eye out for future months!
I know as teachers we all spend a boatload of our own money during Back to School (well, pretty much all year). You can enter below for a chance to win a $75 gift certificate to TpT! I know I could sure use $75 to add to units in my classroom!
You can enter on the rafflecopter below!
Prize: $75 Teachers Pay Teachers Gift Card
Co-hosts: An Apple for the Teacher, Paula's Preschool and Kindergarten, MM Bilingual, Amanda's Little Learners, Debora Marines TeachMagically, Reading and Writing Redhead, Teach with Hope, 180 Days of Reading, Teacher Jeanell, 1stgradefireworks, Mi ckey's Place, PreK Kristin, Catch My Products, A World of Language Learners, The Chocolate Teacher, Tried and True Teaching Tools, Pam's Place, Heart 2 Heart Teaching, It's a Teacher Thing, Teaching Where You're Called on, A Plus Kids, TeachKidLearn, Leah Popinski (SumMathFun), Digging Deep to Soar Beyond the Text, Right Down the Middle with Andrea, The Literacy Garden, Trending Technology in Tennessee, Teaching Ideas For Those Who Love Teaching, Peas In A Pod, Southern Drawl, La-Nette Mark, Amanda's Little Learners, and Kathryn Watts.
Rules: Use the Rafflecopter to enter. Giveaway ends 8/13/17 and is open worldwide.