If I had to describe the primary grades in one word it would be 'foundation.' That one word really boils down everything we do in the primary classroom. As primary teachers, we lay the foundation for the years of education to come. Teaching grammar is no exception. While we might not be diagramming sentences, we definitely lay the foundation. Here are some fun and interactive ways to teach grammar in the primary classroom.
Like most things in the primary classroom, the grammar concepts that we teach will be new to the students. Any time a new concept is introduced it is important to focus on one skill or concept and provide instruction and ample practice opportunities for students. As students develop an understanding of a concept they can then be combined with other learned concepts. Using this approach I introduce different grammar concepts one at a time.
The Process
1. Introduce the Concept
For each grammar concept, we follow a very similar lesson pattern. First, I introduce the grammar concept with whole class instruction. I love using posters and anchor charts so that my students can reference them as needed.
2. Fun and Interactive Practice
Next, we do lots of practice together. One of the first things we do is a sorting activity as a class. As we sort we talk about the grammar rule and why we choose to put each card in a certain place. This is a key part of the process because by talking about our decisions we are repeating and applying the grammar rules.
We might do this sorting activity a couple of times on different days depending on how the class is doing with the concept. Once done, the sorting activity moves into our center rotation for students to do independently.
We also complete some worksheet activities together. During this part of the learning process, we may complete the entire page together or we start together and then students finish on their own.
Don't underestimate the power of students repeating whole class activities independently in the next step of the process. Students are able to use guided learning to guide their actions as they begin working independently. This is such a great way to cement the grammar rules we're learning!
3. Continued Practice with Grammar Concepts
4. Review
The Grammar Resources
I've taken my classroom-tested procedures and activities and put them into resource packs for a variety of grammar skills and concepts. All of these resources provide you with instructional posters, hands-on activities, and no prep printable worksheets. These versatile activities can be used in one or more steps of the process to help your students master grammar!
I've put 18 Grammar Units together in one Grammar Bundle. The resources in this unit will fill your lesson plans for the entire year!
By purchasing the Grammar Bundle you save 30% over the cost of the individual resources, however, you can purchase each of these resources individually too!
- Nouns
- Singular and Plural Nouns
- Plural Nouns ES & IES
- Proper Nouns
- Pronouns
- Possessive Nouns
- Verbs
- Verbs with Inflectional Endings
- Adjectives
- Comparative Adjectives
- Prefixes (un-, re-, pre-)
- Suffixes (-ful, -less, -ly, -y)
- Prepositions
- Types of Sentences
- Simple and Compound Sentences
- Synonyms
- Antonyms
- Homonyms and Homophones