Practicing Phonics with Write the Room

Learning to read English is downright hard! Teaching kids to read is hard too! I don't know about you but it seems like every time I teach my students a phonics rule, I turn the page and there's a word that is an exception. Rules and exceptions to rules, sounds and different sounds, sight words, and more. Over the years I've learned that practice, practice, practice is the key to helping my students master phonics.  Giving my students opportunities to practice their newly learned phonics skills through centers has proven a successful practice year after year.  Today I'm excited to share one of my favorite centers - phonics write the room.

Get in extra fun phonics practice with write the room activities.

What is Write the Room?

Write the room is an independent center activity where students move around the room completing activities that are posted on cards. These task cards have a specific instructional focus and provide students with multiple opportunities to practice the target skill. Students generally use a clipboard and a recording sheet to record their answers. Not only does this allow students to focus on a skill, but it is also a great way to build a little movement into the daily routine.  

Write the room activities like these help keep your kids active while learning phonics.

You can find out more about why I LOVE Write the Room in this related blog post. As a first-grade teacher, it's truly one of my favorite ways to practice so many different skills! 

A Versatile Activity

You might be a little leery about the write the room concept and students moving around without some supervision or guidance.  I completely understand! I started this way too.  I would definitely suggest that you check out this blog post where I show you the procedures I use to teach Write the Room activities.

But, if you decide it's not for you, there are still many fun and engaging ways to use write the room resources in a primary classroom!

1. Task Cards

Use the Write the Room cards and response sheet as a more traditional task card center. You can store all of the cards in a small box or zip-loc bag.  Students can take the cards and recording sheet to their desk or an assigned space to complete all the activities.  Students still get the same great repeated practice, but it limits the movement in the classroom.  

2. Scoot Game

Write the Room activities can also be used to complete a really fun, whole-class game called Scoot!  Here you place the Write the Room cards on desks or tables around the room or hang them on the wall.  Each student needs a recording sheet and they will go individually or with a partner to a card.  

Use write the room activities like this scoot game to help with practicing phonics.

Provide students with a set time limit to complete the activity on the card.  The time will vary depending on the activity. Once the time is done you say "Scoot" and everyone moves in the same direction to the next card. The entire class plays at one time and you continue until everyone has had a chance to move through all the cards.

3. Spiral Review

Use the Write the Room cards as a quick spiral review with the class. Fill in those extra minutes or add them to your morning meeting. Hold up a couple cards each day to review previously taught skills. You can use cards on the same task or skill or mix them up. A spiral review is a wonderful way to keep skills fresh in your students' minds.

4. Small Group Teaching

Write the Room activities can easily be used as small group teaching activities.  They make a great way to really focus on one skill with your students.  These cards are easy to lay out on the table or hand out and share with the students.  

Practicing phonics in a small group setting is perfect for write the room activities.

No more thinking of practice questions or examples. Just use the provided cards to give you all the examples and practice activities you need. With ready-to-use practice questions, you can reteach or practice important skills with students that need it.  It's a great way to differentiate your teaching based on the needs of your students.

Phonics Write the Room Activities

Here are some of my favorite phonics Write the Room activities that have been classroom-tested and student approved!

CVC and CVCe Words

Learning to read and spell short vowel and long vowel words is a foundational skill out students must master on their reading journey.  This fun CVC and CVCe Write the Room activity gives students a picture and has them choose the correct word.  Students will work on both reading and spelling skills with this engaging activity.

Help your students practice CVC and CVCe Words while practicing phonics with these fun write the room activities.

The repeated practice of reading words with and without the silent 'e' is something that will help our students with this important phonics rule.  By seeing the CVC and CVCe words together, students are visually reminded of the phonics rule.  

After reading both words, students will choose the word that matches the picture and then write it on the response sheet. 

Use these CVC and CVCe cards as a write the room or Scoot activity as you are practicing phonics with your students.

Writing Long Vowel Words

Reading and spelling go hand in hand and we owe it to our students to practice these important skills in a variety of ways.  These Long Vowel Write the Room activities guide students through spelling long vowel words.

Students will use the picture to identify the target word.  Then, using phonemic awareness skills, students will segment the word and write the sounds they hear.  Students will also put into practice the phonics rules they know as they work on spelling the words.

There are many different phonics rules that produce long vowel sounds. Since there are so many different sounds to master, I created a variety of write the room sets for each one. Some of our favorites for long vowels include this one for long U spelling patterns and this one for long O words. Both of these activities are a great way to get plenty of practice with those tricky long vowels and vowel teams. Each set includes 24 task cards and a variety of recording sheets to allow for differentiation in the classroom as well!

You can also find all these and more in the Long Vowel Write the Room Bundle.

This Long Vowel Write the Room bundle gives you lots of phonics centers for a variety of long vowel spelling patterns.

More Phonics Write the Room Fun

There are so many phonics rules that our students learn in the first few years of reading.  That means lots of phonics rules that they need to practice. Whether you're targeting digraphs, silent letters, or final consonant blends, write the room is a fun and engaging way to give your students the opportunities they need to be successful. 

In my classroom, we use write the room all year long to focus on the many different phonics rules we learn. Once my kiddos get the hang of write the room, it's an easy, fun, and effective way to practice. If you'd like to check out ALL of my phonics write the room activities, be sure to take a peek at the BIG bundle. Included you'll find over 50 phonics resources so you never run out of engaging ways to practice.
Grab this practicing phonics BIG Bundle for all sorts of fun and exciting phonics write the room activities your students will love.

And if you're hooked on Write the Room like I am, be sure to check out all of the fun options I have for math skills too! 

Save these Write the Room Ideas

Pin this to your favorite classroom Pinterest board so you can save these fun and engaging Write the Room activities.  

Practicing phonics with write the room activities is a fun and easy way to get your students excited about practicing targeted phonics throughout the school year. Use these write the room activities as individual practice, partner practice, as a scoot game, or even in centers. Grab the big bundle of phonics write the room activities to get started with practicing phonics in your classroom today! #thechocolateteacher #writetheroom #writetheroomactivities #practicingphonics

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