5 Simple And Engaging End Of The Year Activities

The end of the year can be a pretty hectic time in the primary classroom! There is lots to do in a very short amount of time. As a first grade teacher, it's important that I include fun activities while also managing my to-do list. For me, this means planning SIMPLE activities! Today I am sharing 5 simple and engaging end-of-the-year activities your students will love!

These fun activities are sure to keep your students engaged and learning during those last few weeks of the school year.

These activities are just what you need if you want to plan some fun things for the end of the year without too much fluff. Sure, there are tons of ideas out there, but I find time and time again the ones that my students enjoy the most are the simple, low-prep, and inexpensive ones. So take it easy on yourself and try some of these fun activities for the end of the year! 

1. Student Spelling Bee

Towards the end of the year, I really love to rely on fun and simple games and activities to carry us through. Choosing simple, low-prep activities will help to ensure you maintain teacher sanity during this hectic time and don't end up spending hours getting materials prepared. One of my favorites for the end of the year is to have a student spelling bee. 

Set up a spelling bee for a super fun way to get your students reviewing important spelling words from the year.
This activity couldn't be easier and uses old spelling lists your class used during the year. Simply have all your kiddos line up at the front of the room and give them a word to spell out loud, one at a time. 

If they misspell their word, they sit down. The last child standing is the "Spelling Bee Champ"! The students love this game and it's a really easy one to work in towards the end of the day or when you have some time to spare. 

When I do this in my classroom, I may (wink, wink) adjust the difficulty of the words I give to the students based on their ability. The point of this game is to be fun and I want to make sure everyone has an opportunity to be successful and gets a fair shot based on their spelling skills! 

2. Summer BINGO 

Another super fun end of the activity is BINGO! Everyone loves BINGO, and it's a simple game to facilitate in the classroom. This can be played in small groups or as a whole class and we usually do a little of both towards the end of the year. 

Everyone loves Bingo. These summer themed Bingo activities are exactly the ticket to keeping your students engaged and having fun during those last few weeks of school.
The BINGO set I love to use this time of year features summer words and pictures to get us "in the spirit" of summer break! Typically, I laminate the boards ahead of time and have students use mini erasers to cover each space on their board. 

If I'm in a pinch for time though and don't have time to prep, I love to use black and white printable BINGO cards instead.  Students can use BINGO daubers, crayons, or markers to cover each space on their board. 

I like to tell students to mark each square with a little dot in the corner if it's called and then have them color the pictures when we are done playing. This extends the activity a little bit and gives you time to work on something on your to-do list!

For another extension activity, have students write a story using the words on the bingo card.  It's a great way to get them working with new summer vocabulary.

3. Summer Themed Grammar Write the Room 

Looking for a simple way to review grammar skills such as parts of speech towards the end of the year? If so, I know you'll love this Summer Themed Grammar Write the Room activity! I think we can all agree that kids can get a bit anxious to move around this time of year. Why not make this work in your favor by incorporating some write the room centers? This will allow you to review a specific skill, while also giving students the opportunity to get up and move! 

With this resource, students will walk around the room searching for each of the "hidden" task cards. They will read the word on the card and then determine if it's an adjective, verb, or noun. Last, they mark down their answer on the recording sheet. There are 24 task cards and 6 different recording sheets, so there's room for plenty of variation! 

Brand new to write the room? No worries! Read this post next to learn why I love this activity so much and snag some practical tips to use it in your classroom. I know once you get started, you'll be able to easily understand why these are such a great addition to your end of the year activities. 

4. Place Value Write the Room 

Speaking of Write the Room, I have another option for you to practice an important math skill too. . .  place value! This Place Value Write the Room set is just the thing you need to add to your end of the year activities. It features a fun summer theme just like the last set I mentioned, but instead of grammar, students will work on tens and ones. 

Each of the 24 task cards included features a set of objects, tens frames, or base ten blocks. Students will determine the number shown and write it down on their recording sheet. There are 3 different recording sheets included, so you can increase, or decrease the difficulty. 

Aside from traditional write the room, I also like to use these sets as a seated center activity. I place all the task cards in a small, plastic photo box alongside a stack of recording sheets. Students take the box and a recording sheet and word through each one. As they work, they record the information on their paper. When they're finished they put all the cards back in the box and leave them for the next student. This is such a great way to use these cards in another way as we finish up our year! 

5. Make Memory Lapbooks

Celebrating and reflecting on our year together is an absolute must in my book! I love making memory books or keepsakes of some kind with my students each year. My favorite version is a super simple memory lapbook that can be pulled together quickly and doesn't require you to collect materials all year long! 

Use this engaging memory lapbook as part of your fun end of the year activities you can spread out over a few days.
These end-of-the-year memory books are brought together with a large piece of construction paper folded to make a little book. Students will then color, cut, and paste pieces into their books to remember special things that happened that year. 

The memory books include details about our school, friends, teacher, things we learned, things that made us proud, and even things students would do if they were the teacher!  These are such a fun keepsake to send home! 

I love working on these as a whole group and circulating the room to check in with each student as they work. It is SO much fun to see what each student found valuable and memorable about the year! Students LOVE this activity and I love seeing what they come up with!

More Simple Ways To Keep The Fun Going

These 5 activities are for sure my all-time favorites when it comes to end-of-the-year fun. I just love how easy these activities are to pull together and my students enjoy them every time. But.... the fun doesn't have to stop there! There are so many other great ways to add a little sparkle to your last weeks of school! Over the years I have.....

Use a countdown paper chain like this to help your students visualize the amount of days left in the school year.
  • Let students swap desks for a morning or afternoon. The kiddos always love this idea!
  • Allowed a student to "teach" the class while I sat at their desk and took the role of student. This might be a simple lesson about something meaningful to them, reading a story, or teaching a skill. 
  • Asked students to help out with cleaning the classroom. Make it fun by splitting the kiddos into teams and assigning specific tasks to each team. Set a timer and see which group can get the most done before the timer goes off. 
  • Made a countdown chain. Have your kiddos help craft a paper chain for the last weeks of school and make it part of your routine to choose one child a day to snip a link off as a countdown to the final day!
  • Hosted a PJ & Reading Day. This one might need approval from your school admin, but hosting a PJ & Reading day is always a fun classroom event. Encourage students to bring a stuffed toy, or book of their choice and wear their jammies to school!
There are so many ways to engage your learners this time of year, but just remember - keep it simple! Simple, low-prep activities will keep the fun rolling and help you make it through those final days without adding even more to that teacher to-do list! Enjoy those final days with your kiddos!

You can grab the My School Year Memories Activities on the Chocolate Teacher TPT store today!

Use this engaging memory lapbook as part of your fun end of the year activities you can spread out over a few days.

Save These Ideas For Later

Don't forget to pin these ideas to your favorite classroom Pinterest board so you will be all set for the final days of school! 

These fun activities are sure to keep your students engaged and learning during those last few weeks of the school year.

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